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Opportunities for Applied Learning in the Marketing Program

As part of the Business Administration Marketing Program, I look for ways to have the students involved in real-world application of theories learned throughout their two years. Listed below are timelines and projects that I am looking for partnerships and involvement from the local Saint John community. Click on the Example Projects for a summary of some of the projects students have worked on or explore My Blog Feed

August: Applied Writing for Media experience

Throughout the September - December semester, I look for opportunities for students to write for various media platforms (digital, print, broadcast, out-of-home). They learn the art of writing by executing on creative briefs. If your company has a writing project that the students could work on, reach out to me! 

October: Search for Companies, Organizations or Non-Profits 

I look for 3-5 non-profit companies who might need help with a specific advertising challenge. Students will create an Integrated Marketing Communications Plan from February until April, when a final presentation is made. If you know of a non-profit that could use strategic marketing research and execution, reach out to me!

November: Call for 5-Week Internship Opportunities (to take place in May)

In November, I put a call out to local employers who would be willing to offer students a 5-week experiential learning opportunity from the second week of May for 5 weeks. These internships are unpaid and require the employer to be actively engaged with the student with full-time hours and a mentor. The internship should provide meaningful exposure to marketing in some way. The employer will interview the students in a competition that simulates the real-world application process that takes place in February and March. We would love to have employers who might consider hiring the student following the practicum, but it isn't necessary. Please reach out to me if your organization would like to be part of this experience!

December: Planning for February Career Fair

We hold a Career Fair each year here on campus. Employers are welcomed to set up a booth to meet students and present them potential opportunities - either full-time or summer employment. If you would like to participate, reach out to me!

March: Community Volunteer Day Opportunities

Each first year student is required to complete 5 hours of volunteer work during a designated Community Leadership Day. This is a service learning experience organized on a specific day in April. If you have an opportunity for volunteers to help with a project, reach out to me!

Throughout the year!

I am always on the look out for speakers, business community engagement and networking opportunities for my students. The more they get exposure to the real business world, the better they will be prepared to go into it upon their graduation in June. If you have a topic that is relevant to future marketers or would like to have students participate in any community activities, please reach out. 


Michelle Robichaud
Instructor, Business Administration (Marketing)
Cell: (506) 636-1110

Click on the Marketing Extras tab for examples of projects that students have worked on or explore My Blog Feed

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